32 Points Boxing The Compass. North by east n x e 17. In the mariner s exercise of boxing the compass all thirty two points of the compass are named in clockwise order.

Naming them all off perfectly was known as boxing the compass. Back in the day mariners reckoned direction by points not by degrees the way we often do now. Easy enough it would seem but nevertheless boxing the compass is no simple matter.
The action of naming all thirty two points of marine compass from due north in a clockwise direction is called boxing the compass.
So the angular range of one compass point is 360 32 11 25 therefore it is 11 25 between each point on the marine compass. The compass the points of the compass boxing the compass was a basic skill of any sailor being the ability to repeat all 32 points of the compass in 1 4 points. There are 32 points in a circle thus each point is 11 25. The general procedure of converting compass points to azimuthal degrees is called boxing the compass.