Airfix Slot Car Racing. Airfix motor racing airfix motor ace airfix mrrc was a 1 32 scale slot car racing system introduced by airfix in 1962 and sold by the company until the airfix company s failure in 1981 at which point mrrc ltd. Airfix slot car brand products available at professor motor inc.

Used airfix mrrc ferrari 312t no. Page 1 of 4 airfix mrrc mercedes 154 posted in vintage collector s corner. Although i do admit to not being clear on this it is written that airfix were already producing their own range of slot cars sets under the banner airfix motor racing before they bought mrrc.
Became independent once more.
Make offer 36 x vintage airfix mrrc slot car track edge clips pat. Rear vintage merit plastic racing car parts airf. In 1963 airfix bought model road racing cars limited a manufacturer of slot cars. Item will posted from gosport to the address given on the paypal receipt address provided by ebay.