Benchmark Cricket Academy. Although various states of india individually represent the game of cricket it has yet to reach untapped remote areas. Player ratio of 1 coach.
Designed for talented young players with a desire to take their game to the next level. What a great opportunity to access 3 quality coaches all focused on the individual player each week for 8 weeks. We offer both a junior academy suitable for 6 10 year olds and a senior academy suitable for 11 15 year olds.
Founded by the iconic cricketing legend gary kirsten gary had a vision to develop an internationally recognised cricket academy that would be based at a state of the art facility.
What a great opportunity to access 3 quality coaches all focused on the individual player each week for 8 weeks. Although various states of india individually represent the game of cricket it has yet to reach untapped remote areas. Player ratio of 1 coach. In 2007 following the schofield report the national academy was renamed the national cricket performance centre it consists of a state of the art 4 5 million indoor training complex.