Bernard Hopkins Alien. Turns out you can look at hopkins alien not just as boxing kitsch but as a figure in the black tradition of sun ra parliament funkadelic ikon brother from another planet and more which is to say the alien is also a manifestation of black power and black arts and can be traced back through the harlem renaissance the blues negro spirituals and the middle passage. Bernard hopkins the not so ageless alien by kelefa sanne h november 10 2014 in boxing there is generally nothing more depressing than an aging fighter who refuses to quit.

Turns out you can look at hopkins alien not just as boxing kitsch but as a figure in the black tradition of sun ra parliament funkadelic ikon brother from another planet and more which is to say the alien is also a manifestation of black power and black arts and can be traced back through the harlem renaissance the blues negro spirituals and the middle passage. How and why michael jordan banned isiah thomas from the dream team. He went from prison to becoming a multi million dollar prize fighter.
Bernard hopkins is one of the greatest fighters alive today.
Through spartan like discipline learned through the regimented lifestyle behind bolted doors hopkins became a middleweight and light heavyweight legend who did things his way. Turns out you can look at hopkins alien not just as boxing kitsch but as a figure in the black tradition of sun ra parliament funkadelic ikon brother from another planet and more which is to say the alien is also a manifestation of black power and black arts and can be traced back through the harlem renaissance the blues negro spirituals and the middle passage. Bernard hopkins is one of the greatest fighters alive today. Bernard hopkins seemed to defy conventional knowledge in more ways than one overcoming the raymond rosen housing projects graterford prison and a loss in his first foray into professional boxing.