Boxer Puncher Boxing Style. Historically most boxer punchers either lose to other boxer punchers e g. There are four generally accepted boxing styles that are used to define fighters.

Many boxers do not always fit into these categories and it s not uncommon for a fighter to change their style over a period of time. They are considered to be well rounded fighters who can compete with just about any other style in the ring. The boxer puncher can effortlessly switch between being a pressure fighter to being a methodical out boxer waiting for an opening to close the gap.
Different boxing styles by barry lindenman.
The boxer puncher boxing style. This is the most dynamic form of boxer in the sport and one that combines the best of all worlds into a single style. They possess the speed of an out boxer the power of a slugger and the aggression of a swarmer. They have the power of sluggers but the technique of an out boxer.