Boxing Blocking Styles. A straight jab is the punch used most often in boxing so it is essential to know how to defend against. Hook a semi circular punch thrown with the lead hand.

One of the first lessons you will learn in boxing is keep your hands up but there are different styles of guards which are dependent upon your body type. The shoulder roll is naturally the next step up from the parry technique. Once you begin hitting bags and sparring moffa suggests hand wraps or wrist straps to help protect your knuckles and wrists.
The shoulder roll is naturally the next step up from the parry technique.
You can parry a right cross with a. Once you begin hitting bags and sparring moffa suggests hand wraps or wrist straps to help protect your knuckles and wrists. The shoulder roll is incredibly effective because your body can roll off your opponent s best shots with ease while keeping your hands free to counter faster. The jab extends from the side of the.