Boxing Chest Muscles. Repeat as per. The power you put in a punch starts with your calves works its way up your legs travels across the core muscles through the shoulders and out the arm.

The power you put in a punch starts with your calves works its way up your legs travels across the core muscles through the shoulders and out the arm. The major muscles used by the boxer are. The deltoids latissimus dorsi and the pectorals.
Lay on a flat bench with a barbell gripped at shoulder width holding the bar straight over your chest with slightly bent arms begin to lower the weight slowly in an arc all the way.
Bring the barbell back to the upright press position using the same arch you lowered with exhaling. Most important muscles for fighting legs power hips balance lower body core abs frontal body core snap back rear body core punch recovery shoulders arm endurance arms power delivery speed snap chest upper body core small muscles. Bring the barbell back to the upright press position using the same arch you lowered with exhaling. The deltoids latissimus dorsi and the pectorals.