Boxing Score Sheet. Judges score on a 10 point scale. Live scoring will tell you what your score total is throughout the fight.

Western riding score sheet pattern 7 western riding score sheet pattern 8 western riding score sheet pattern 9 working cow horse nrcha cow work score sheet working cow horse boxing nrcha ltd cow work score sheet. If the player rolls down the ball for 2nd time and knock down all the pins in a second chance it is called spare and denoted by on the score sheet. Rated 3 5 out of 5 stars.
Most rounds will end 10 9 with the more dominant boxer receiving 10 points the other receiving 9.
If all judges score a draw then it is a draw by unanimous decision d ud if two judges score a draw and one judge scores for either boxer then it is a majority draw d md see also. If a boxer is knocked down he loses a point. Cbs sports has the latest boxing news live scores player stats standings fantasy games and projections. There are 149 reviews 149.