Boxing Stances Southpaw. The southpaw stance is when a naturally left handed boxer uses the right hand as the lead punch or the jab with the straight left hand as the apparent power shot. For these reasons this form of boxing balances defense and offense but can lead to severe damage if the boxer who utilizes this technique has bad reflexes or isn t quick enough.

There are 2 basic types of stances. The corresponding boxing designation for a right handed boxer is orthodox and is generally a mirror image of the southpaw stance. It is the stance moreso than your defense that determines what southpaw punches you can be hit with.
The corresponding designation for a right handed boxer is orthodox and is generally a mirror image of the southpaw stance.
You have to choose the stance that can bring your strengths to the forefront and hide your weaknesses as much as possible. The boxers who use it place their left hand and left foot in front when fighting. This is the total opposite of the orthodox stance. Orthodox boxing stance and southpaw boxing stance.