Brassavola Jiminy Cricket Superbug. Costa rica belize guatemala honduras and mexico. The flowers are a fusion of the its central american species parents.

Plants will take 2 3 years to flower and are supplied in a 5cm pot. This is brassavola jimminey cricket also called rhynchovola. Brassavola little star x encyclia tampensis x phonesia b s.
The name comes from the italian nobleman and physician antonio musa brassavola this genus is abbreviated b.
These species are widespread across mexico central america the west indies and south america. Bury an egg in your garden soil and what happens a few days later will surprise you duration. The name comes from the italian nobleman and physician antonio musa brassavola this genus is abbreviated b. The distinctive shape night fragrance and translucent creamy green color of brassavola nodosa and the larger sized and delicately.