Brown Striped Cricket. They are about 3 4 7 8 inch in length and have a threadlike antennae that is often longer than its body and wings that lie flat on its back. These crickets are black or dark brown in color with stripes on the back of their heads.

However all of the ground crickets look similar until you are very close to them if they come out of hiding so the songs are the best way. Pale fawn with variable dark. They produce their song by opening and closing its wings rapidly.
They produce their song by opening and closing its wings rapidly.
Adult house crickets are light yellowish brown in color with three dark crossbands on their head. Most male crickets make a loud chirping sound by stridulation scraping two specially textured wings together. Pale fawn with variable dark. True crickets family gryllidae are harmless nocturnal insects famous for their chirping technically known as.