Cricket Frog Tadpole. But it may be absent on some individuals. If you have a different species of frog already and want to get a northern cricket frog give the new frog his own enclosure.

The black tail tip is typical for blanchard s cricket frog tadpoles from lyon co. Common names blanchard s cricket frog aw blanchard s cricket frog tadpole photographer view amphibiaweb record for acris blanchardi. They can also be a plain olive color.
You can house multiples of the same species in the same tank but don t overcrowd your tank.
Already there are quite a few tadpoles of mixed origin gracing our vernal pools and ponds which leads me to today s post about tadpoles. If you choose to keep different species in the same tank make. Notes tadpole released quickly after photo. To obtain permission to use these photos for educational purposes email tadpole ufl edu.