Cricket Frog Texas. In texas acris crepitans is found throughout most of the state except the western panhandle and extreme western trans pecos. Paludicola occurs in southwestern louisiana to east texas.

Frogs and toads of texas. The northern cricket frog is not a protected species in texas and can be legally collected with a hunting license. Crepitans is found from new york south to florida and west along the gulf coast states to texas.
It also has no.
The northern cricket frog is not a protected species in texas and can be legally collected with a hunting license. In texas acris crepitans is found throughout most of the state except the western panhandle and extreme western trans pecos. Northern cricket frog acris crepitans photo 7. The blanchard s cricket frog acris blanchardi is a common resident of much of the texas the frog shown here was resting on a small lily pad in a pond at uncertain harrison co texas in july 2004.