Devin Race Car. Bill devin 1915 2000 was an american businessperson automotive entrepreneur and racing driver. Bill devin rarely sold devin ss bodies.

It was only a body frame and running gear with gauges and badge. Devin enterprises was founded by bill devin in 1955 to build lightweight racing and sports car bodies from fibreglass a material that was still new and even cutting edge in the 1950s. Devin designed his own ladder frame for a custom race car that used the engine and front wheel drive transaxle from the panhards.
Title is mga 1960 the body is a original 1959 devin body in very good condition the car is able to get fia and fiva papers and is able to drive in the most of the races.
1958 devin ss sports racing car sr2 6 sold for 134 400 this example was a multi year entrant at the monterey historics titled as recently as 2006 as a road car in california. 1958 devin ss sports racing car sr2 6 sold for 134 400 this example was a multi year entrant at the monterey historics titled as recently as 2006 as a road car in california. They were only sold to racers like ak miller and dave macdonald. This devin is a very rare car and a perfect candidate to join many races.