Diagram Hook Boxing. Our muscle group focus program conditions the entire body and enables you to gain strength agility balance and coordination in addition to added confidence. It has been responsible for a myriad of knockouts countless heart thumping stretches and adrenaline inducing sequences atop the boxing ring.

The entire body will turn with the hook as you turn your body to face the right side. This is a reversal of the left hook and is a bit challenging because it emanates from your rear side. Not only does this telegraph the punch it also saps the energy out of it.
The hook method s combination of cardio strength training and non contact boxing will help you burn fat and build muscle at our ladies only gym.
For the following discussion assumes a right handed or orthodox boxer. When executed correctly hooks can do a serious amount of damage to any opponent. Not only does this telegraph the punch it also saps the energy out of it. Remember not to overextend or be too slow.