Do You Have To Feed Bearded Dragons Crickets. Such as why would i have dead crickets. But what i feed my bearded dragons is super worms meal worms and crickets.

They have tubes in them so that the crickets climb up them. Crickets that are allowed to roam about the terrarium can crawl on top of your bearded dragon and cause it stress. When they get older then they can have more greens veggie and less crickets.
For healthy adult bearded dragons you re going to want to offer them around 10 crickets a day or 20 every other day during a single feeding.
But for it s whole life it will need crickets. Although most of the time they don t even hunt they wait for the crickets to come to them i m also afraid of crickets but i have a cricket keeper. In the long run it s cheaper to breed your own crickets than to buy them. If you cannot give it any then you are just going to watch it have a slow lingering death.