Drywood Swarmer Termites. Typically termites swarm for a few a weeks. Drywood termite soldiers have large mandibles mouthparts with teeth and their pronotum is as wide or wider than the head.

Dampwood termites on the other hand swarm during summer seasons. The tropical rough headed drywood termites are also known as the west indian drywood termite or powderpost termite. Also most drywood termite soldiers and workers are larger than the soldiers and workers in subterranean termite colonies.
Drywood termite swarmers frequently shed their wings quickly after swarming begins so most dead swarmer bodies do not have attached wings.
Also most drywood termite soldiers and workers are larger than the soldiers and workers in subterranean termite colonies. This is a good indicator of a drywood termite swarm since subterranean termite swarmers loose their wings more slowly. Drywood termite soldiers have large mandibles mouthparts with teeth and their pronotum is as wide or wider than the head. Total length of a drywood termite alate is about 7 16 inches including the wings.