Electronic Cricket Schematic. Traditional circuit breaker depends on thermal bimetal lever trip mechanism which is slow this drawback is overcome in electronic circuit breaker. This electronic cricket is a present for kids.

This electronic cricket is a present for kids. A free to use schematic and pcb design tool for the open source hardware community. So in honor of the noble game i decided to build my own electronic cricket match handheld game so i could play it anytime i wanted with the added benefit of nice quick matches the electronics are built from circuit schematics i found on line.
Output is indicated by changing the states of leds.
The circuit uses two ics one in the astable mode and the second in the display driver mode. Open circuit design software. Electronic cricket simulator pcb. So in honor of the noble game i decided to build my own electronic cricket match handheld game so i could play it anytime i wanted with the added benefit of nice quick matches the electronics are built from circuit schematics i found on line.