Fighting Knockout Pressure Points. The 5 knockout techniques described in this article target vital points on the body including the sternum back jaw carotid artery and brachial plexus. May 20 2017 knockout pressure point chart.

If this point is hit with enough force there is a good chance the leg with break. Wikihow s content management team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. The damage that can result from targeting these areas can be significant use caution and control when practicing on a partner and only use the techniques discussed here when warranted in a.
The end result is a slap to the gall bladder cluster.
Here you have 2 choices. Martial artists and combat athletes can make use of these pressure points but. Pressure points refer to weak places in human anatomy where a person is vulnerable and where great damage can be accomplished with little effort. Take the grip of the ear in a fist it may be necessary to scratch the entire ear with the palm of your hand.