Get Rid Of Crickets In Home. My younger sister got paid a penny for each cricket she caught at my grandpa s house. If you have long grass in the garden which makes a perfect environment for crickets.

You can buy pesticide free glue traps to help you get rid of the crickets. Crickets can eat almost anything from fabrics woolens papers home decors and even the walls. Recruit a child to catch the crickets like my grandpa did.
Read on to know some of the simplest and easiest way to kill crickets and get rid.
You ll discourage them from hanging around for long if you keep your grass short. Go old school with molasses. You can also put a little molasses on a plate and set it out for the crickets to consume. Your grandma s molasses is a tasty ingredient in cakes cookies and candy but it can also work as excellent bait for crickets.