History Of Boxing Day. The practice of boxing day was first mentioned in english member of parliament samuel pepys diary entry from december 19th 1663 when he referred to giving something to the boy box against christmas. Boxing day in great britain and some commonwealth countries particularly australia canada and new zealand holiday december 26 on which servants tradespeople and the poor traditionally were presented with gifts.

For years in which the holiday falls on a weekend the celebration is moved to make sure workers still get a day off except in canada where it remains dec. Reduced to the simplest essence its origins are found in a long ago practice of giving cash or. The best clue to boxing day s origins can be found in the song good king wenceslas according to the christmas carol wenceslas who was duke of bohemia in the early 10th century was surveying.
Boxing day in great britain and some commonwealth countries particularly australia canada and new zealand holiday december 26 on which servants tradespeople and the poor traditionally were presented with gifts.
Another popular theory is that the boxing day moniker arose from the alms boxes that were placed in churches during the advent season for the collection of monetary donations from parishioners. Reduced to the simplest essence its origins are found in a long ago practice of giving cash or. Boxing day originated in england in the middle of the nineteenth century under queen victoria. By the 21st century it had become a day associated with shopping and sporting events.