History Of Boxing Gloves. The modern boxing glove did not emerge in a vacuum and has a rich and varied history. Boxing gloves have been around in one form or another almost since the beginning of boxing 3000 years ago.

Recognized as the father of boxing broughton attracted pupils to the sport by introducing mufflers the forerunners of modern gloves to protect the fighter s hands and the opponent s face. However gloves adorned by contemporary pugilists bare scant regard to those worn by the ancient greeks as we know now. Boxing gloves when boxing first appeared in the olympics in 688 b c greek fighters wrapped their hands with oil softened oxhide leather strips called himantes.
However gloves adorned by contemporary pugilists bare scant regard to those worn by the ancient greeks as we know now.
The idea came to him because one gloves allowed sparring matches to be safer and two boxing gloves kept the bones in the fighter s hands protected. Jack brownton was recognized as the father of boxing. Ironically these protective devices would prove in some ways to be more dangerous than bare fists. Recognized as the father of boxing broughton attracted pupils to the sport by introducing mufflers the forerunners of modern gloves to protect the fighter s hands and the opponent s face.