How Do You Make A Fist Punch. The wing chun chuen kuen vertical fist punch uses the bottom two knuckles as the impact area versus a karate punch which uses knuckles 1 and 2. Make a good fist and hold it in front of you palm side inward like a hook with your forearm parallel to the floor.

Useful for mixed martial arts kickboxing muay thai taekwondo. You in the back you too. The wing chun chuen kuen vertical fist punch uses the bottom two knuckles as the impact area versus a karate punch which uses knuckles 1 and 2.
Make certain both of your hands are properly clenched into fists and your head and chin are angled slightly down.
When done correctly the meat of your thumb follows the line of your first three fingers. Now hold your palm in position as you lower the elbow of your striking arm. You in the back you too. The reasoning behind this is that by vertically aligning the radius and the ulna the energy disperses through the elbow more effectively and prevents injury after continued impact training.