How Does A Punch Knock You Out. Method 1 throwing a temple punch. This quick motion of causes trauma to the brain that knocks the recipient out leaving him unconscious.

The blow to the head rattles the brain and jostles back and forth against the front back or sides of the skull causing unconsciousness. Greenlee are the ones that we used for this demonst. In this video we talk about knockout punches.
Whether it s for self defense or to win a fight here are some tested methods to knock your opponent out in a single hit.
Thus in combat sports liver shots often result in technical knockouts tkos. You ll find the solar plexus between the bottom of your sternum and the top of your stomach. Use the cross or hook punch when aiming for your opponent s jaw. If you land a solid punch on somebody s jaw then you will probably knock them out or at least make them punch drunk and wobbly.