How To Give Crickets Water. Once you have the kricket keeper gut load and cricket quencher it is time to use the small cups that come with the kricket keeper. If you re serious about your new hobby get yourself a journal a precision scale and a few plastic containers.

If you use fruit make sure that you replace the fruit every day so that it doesn t rot or create bacteria in the cricket tank. Give the crickets dechlorinated water and feed them dry cricket food and fresh fruits and vegetables. Write down what did you feed your crickets with and place the batches in separate containers.
Once a week clean the container to remove dead crickets casings and waste.
Give your crickets a diverse diet with lots of protein and they will grow big and strong. It s a yellow gel like substance that gives crickets water without having them drown. Give your crickets a diverse diet with lots of protein and they will grow big and strong. To give you a general idea of the money you ll have to pay for crickets you can find crickets starting from 5 for 100 crickets to 15 for 1000.