How To Hook A Cricket For Bait. Tie the hook in order the end would come out from the cricket s back. There are a few ways to bait a cricket on the hook and most of them require you to pierce the cricket which puts a whole in its exoskeleton resulting in loss of motion and ultimately death as its internal liquid is lost.

Hook bait fish through the body behind the dorsal fin. If the hook has not been tied to the line do it now. Uncle goat shows you how to best impell a cricket on a hook to catch bream.
Then slide to worm up the hook grab the worm s body and push through the hook again making sure to leave a little slack so the worm can wiggle.
Hook bait fish through the body behind the dorsal fin. Since a cricket is small in size make sure that you hold it properly. Hook the cricket though the thorax and pull the barb though. If it ends up too deep you will kill the cricket if it is too shallow it will fall off.