Littlewick Green Cricket Club. For further information or to enquire about your child joining please contact. For over 200 summers the sound of leather against willow has been heard on the littlewick village green.

This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Littlewick green cricket club. If you would like to contact us to find out anything about our club please compete the short form below and a member of our team will contact you.
Notice of the lgcc agm dates for your diary 2018 this is notice of the annual general meeting of littlewick green cricket club which will take place in the village hall at 7 30 pm on friday 2 nd february 2018.
We run a thriving colts cricket club at a number of age groups from u7 all the way through to u15s. Forename surname email address phone number. We would like to show you a description here but the site won t allow us. We run a thriving colts cricket club at a number of age groups from u7 all the way through to u15s.