Medway Youth Cricket. For details please click here by continuing to use this website or any sub sites you are consenting to the use of these cookies. We have active and growing senior youth and social sections with a total of over 140 members.

For details please click here by continuing to use this website or any sub sites you are consenting to the use of these cookies. Each competition is available to children from year 5 and 6 but schools can use talented year 4 pupils as and when required. The under 11 s play games on a friday evening the under 13 s on a sunday morning.
We enter teams at under 11 and under 13 into the medway youth cricket league.
Our teams play in the kent regional cricket league the medway area sunday cricket league and the readers medway youth cricket league. In partnership with medway council and medway sporting legacy the medway towns cricket association and cricket medway hosted and ran the medway 100 ball bash 2019. Play cricket medway youth cricket league news docs. Sherwood cricket club was established in 1965 and our ground known as the scg is located in rochester kent.