Micro Reality Stock Car Racing For Sale. Micro reality stock car racing provides countless hours of fun for everyone. Micro reality stock car racing.

Our micro reality stock race cars are theme adaptable and customizable to support nearly any event or sponsor. Imagine racing your favorite micro reality stock car on a banked oval speedway at speeds of over 200 mph you re in complete control as you head into the high speed banked curve your left hand gripping the fill size steering wheel your right hand on the shifter your heart pounding as you go into turn 3 with the throttle wide open when all of a sudden it happens the car behind you taps. You have complete control.
Micro reality stock car racing.
You have complete control. Micro reality stock car racing. We are an experienced micro reality racing attraction operator having started this business in the mid 90 s. We have boosted engagement for many types of events all over the country.