Orthodox Fighter Stance. If you are a southpaw fighter no matter if you are right or left handed you need a specific strategy different from the one orthodox fighters use. The orthodox boxing stance is for right handed people who jab with their lead left hand and load up the right hand for their power punches.

In combat sports such as boxing an orthodox stance is one in which the boxer places their left foot farther in front of the right foot thus having their weaker side closer to the opponent. Since boxers don t need to worry about taking kicks to their lead leg they keep it in front. The orthodox boxing stance is for right handed people who jab with their lead left hand and load up the right hand for their power punches.
Some fighters who are naturally left handed fight in the orthodox stance with the advantage of a fast hard jab and left hook including oscar de la hoya sonny liston miguel angel cotto gerry cooney and marco antonio barrera.
The right hand is the orthodox fighters back hand. The right hand is the orthodox fighters back hand. The orthodox boxing stance is for right handed people who jab with their lead left hand and load up the right hand for their power punches. Although it isn t uncommon for a fighter to know how to perform in the opposite stance.