Pony Stock Race Car. From ford 2 3l engine components to mustang ii front suspension pinto leaf springs and ford 8 rearend gears. Speedway motors is proud to offer pony stock parts to keep you out on the track behind the wheel of your favorite racing addiction.

In many of our articles on various aspects of chassis setup we try to include both sides of the coin dirt and asphalt. It has a 2300cc engine 2 14 trans 3 80 chunk gear on a pinto frame tube front. Duck river speedway 11 3 12 pure pony mini stock heat race 7 onboard duration.
The american iron series consists of three classes.
The world s largest governing body for stock car racing is the. The world s largest governing body for stock car racing is the. The american iron series consists of three classes. The world of pony stock racing is still alive and well even though the venerable pinto is nearly three decades old.