Race Car Starter Solenoid Wiring. Every solenoid or relay in the car should have a suppression diode installed some relays or controllers may have the diode built other may not. Many times it s due to the design of the start solenoid and the available power to it.

Simply changing a relay could cost you weekends of failed racing. Starter kill switch body ground body ground body ground body ground notes. Rick elgin owns racewire technologies and he spends his days wiring practically everything on circle track race cars drag cars hot rods and anything else with a battery and a starter.
Transients can be managed with the use of diodes across the coils as well as proper wiring techniques.
Kill switch interrupts ground circuit. Kill switch interrupts ground circuit. I run the battery supply cable to one side of the solenoid the altenator wire goes to this side as well. Single starter relay car starter wiring diagram when large power starter is equipped in order to reduce intensity of the current that passes through the ignition switch and avoid ablation of the switch the start relay is often used to control the heavy current of the starter solenoid switch and the ignition switch start position is used to control the low current of the relay coil.