Restless Crickets. A certain side quest will task you with obtaining a handful of these bugs. Restless crickets live in grassy areas in hyrule field and east necluda but they will start to flee as soon as you run up to them.

While it seems like an easy task at first many players are having trouble completing it. Restless crickets can be found usually in the long grasses of the great plateau hyrule field and east necluda regions by using a sharp edged weapon to cut long grass away where crickets sometimes rest beneath. Sadly there is no optional dialogue with either the inn keeper or the guy who asks you to get 10 crickets.
Copulating females of many other crickets feed on products of the male for example secretions from dorsal thoracic glands in tree crickets and blood from bleeding spines on the hind tibiae in ground crickets.
A very energetic cricket. The restless cricket is a one of the creatures found in the legend of zelda. They re tiny energetic and live mostly in grassy areas. They are also hiding in patches of grass used in recipes.