Swarmer Boxing Training. Negate the reach advantage of your the taller boxers. In this small introduction we ll be covering the key points of the swarmer boxing style.

They use pressure to close the ring off as well as the distance before using hooks and uppercuts to deal damage quick and dirty. Then it is game on again the swarmer goes right back on the attack. In this small introduction we ll be covering the key points of the swarmer boxing style.
This articles a good way to nail such guys they depend too much on head hunting and do tend to jump into a punch.
This style tends to use the jab to close the distance quickly like a snake lunging to bite its prey. A swarmer is a fighter who attempts to ove. The first and most common swarmer sadly for my kind is the hang head forward little technique swarmer. Because of the time required to get up to this skill level and to build the necessary stamina most boxers who claim the swarmer style have comparatively short careers.