Tamil Nadu Cricket Association Logo. Also appoint new officials for concern units as per rules and regulations of cricket federation of tamilnadu cf of tamilnadu. The team served a two year suspension from the ipl starting july 2015 for the alleged involvement of their owners in the 2013 ipl betting case and won the title in.
Rupa gurunath is the president of the tamil nadu cricket association and the daughter of n srinivasan. Founded in 2008 the team plays its home matches at the m. 1 madras cricket association 1 1 1932 1969 2 tamil nadu cricket association 2 1 1969 200.
The lyca group which owns the coimbatore franchise in the tamil nadu premier league cricket recently launched the team logo for its side lyca kovai kings.
Contents owned and maintained by sports development authority of tamilnadu 116 a periyar evr high road nehru park chennai 600 084 tel nos. Founded in 2008 the team plays its home matches at the m. The logo was launched by bollywood superstar. Also appoint new officials for concern units as per rules and regulations of cricket federation of tamilnadu cf of tamilnadu.