Tamil Nadu Cricket Players In Indian Team. The tamil nadu player was known for punching. Application forms for the same will be available at the tnca tamil nadu cricket association offices and also on the tnca website www tnca cricket.
The tamil nadu player was known for punching above his weight and despite his limitations made a mark due to his nerveless batting powerful hitting and cool headed bowling. This cricket team is one of the elite cricket teams of ranji trophy the team was earlier known as the madras team until 1970 71 because then the state of tamil nadu was known as madras now chennai. Application forms for the same will be available at the tnca tamil nadu cricket association offices and also on the tnca website www tnca cricket.
Although he couldn t reach the benchmark set by kapil dev for an all rounder robin was an essential cog in the indian team during the late 1990 s.
Tnca tamil nadu cricket association affiliated to the board of control for cricket in india is the parent body or governing the game of cricket in tamil nadu and involved in the conduct of the game from the grass root level to the international level. The last date to return the duly filled forms is january 25 6pm. Application forms for the same will be available at the tnca tamil nadu cricket association offices and also on the tnca website www tnca cricket. This list may not reflect recent changes.