Tamil Nadu Cricket Players In Ipl. Woorkeri raman the tamil nadu cricket association tnca head there are many cricket players in tamil nadu but only the players above has represented for team india in the international games. Application forms for the same will be available at the tnca tamil nadu cricket association offices and also on the tnca website www tnca cricket.
As many as 53 cricketers from tamil nadu have registered for the upcoming ipl auctions to be held later this month end.
Kings xi punjab has released its mystery spinner varun chakravarthy ahead of the indian premier league auction. You can also check the caste of indian cricket players for more information. In the auction held in jaipur last year kings xi had bought varun for a whopping rs 8 4 crore in the indian premier league ipl auction but the tamil nadu spinner failed to impress with limited opportunities he had before being ruled out with injury. Woorkeri raman the tamil nadu cricket association tnca head there are many cricket players in tamil nadu but only the players above has represented for team india in the international games.