What Body Type Is Best For Boxing. Mesomorph s and swarmers. Boxers have pretty small amounts of body fat on their bodies.

Two mile run moderate to fast pace sprint 100 meters shadow box 1 round 3 minute round run backwards 200 meters sprint 100 meters shadow box 1 round 3 minute round sprint 100 meters jog with hands up throwing punches 400. A sample routine you can use for non interval days is listed below. There is no single body type that indicates a competitor will be successful in boxing.
It s as simple as that.
I use to think developing a fighter s style was easy until i spoke to a beginner th. The best fighters usually fight with their best fighting style. I use to think developing a fighter s style was easy until i spoke to a beginner th. Peek a boo a defense style often used by a fighter where the hands are placed in front of the boxer s face like in.