What Does It Mean When You Dream About Crickets. If the cricket appears in your dream it means that you should leave your past behind and move forward. When you dream of hearing crickets it means that someone will tell you good news.

To speak with a cricket in your dream may represent that you will help a person financially because of his her health. Like the ladybug and the dragonfly cricket symbolism is a sign of exceptional luck furthermore this spirit animal says that the things that you have been working toward and dreaming about are now possible. A dream about crickets is warning you to change your way of thinking and to focus on more important things in your life.
If you manage to kill them in your dream then you can work to stop poverty in its tracks.
If you have a dream in which a cricket is involved this means that you see a bit of the wisdom of the cricket and trust us this is not a good one. To dream that you kill crickets signifies that you will have a small illness but you will get well soon. When you dream that you see a cricket jumps this dream symbolizes that you will be able to survive and overcome all the difficulties you have. Sometimes a dream about crickets can also mean that you should face your old fears.