What Is Unorthodox Stance Boxing. Any method of boxing that falls outside these three categories is an unorthodox boxing style. A traditional orthodox stance is one in which the boxer places his or her left foot farther in front of the right foot thus having his or her weaker side closer to the opponent.

In boxing your stance and foot placement are two essential things to consider. You have to choose the stance that can bring your strengths to the forefront and hide your weaknesses as much as possible. A lot of tricks i picked up from pacquiao and camacho i feel that i can only use if i am a southpaw.
Orthodox boxing stance and southpaw boxing stance.
The difference lie in which leg the boxer put in the front. A southpaw fights with a left handed fighting stance as opposed to an orthodox fighter who fights right handed. Any method of boxing that falls outside these three categories is an unorthodox boxing style. You have to choose the stance that can bring your strengths to the forefront and hide your weaknesses as much as possible.