Are Boxers Dangerous Dogs. Unsocialized dogs are always dangerous and i don t blame the dog for that as it s the owner s fault. Boxers are one of the top 10 dangerous dogs according to u s dog bite fatalities but this does not mean that they are dangerous.

Whether or not the boxer deserves to be on that list it is a powerful dog that can be dangerous without proper training and socialization. Otherwise this breed could be risky to own especially around kids. However it s only very partially true.
Many organizations and websites list the boxer as one of the ten most dangerous dog breeds in the united states.
Sometimes referred to as dog canario this breed has a dangerous reputation. Do not opt for a boxer if you can not socialize it or give proper attention to it. Despite their imposing looks with large heads and muscular bodies boxers are gentle dogs with a friendly and playful temperament. Normally boxers are a playful and high energy breed with a powerful bite and a very.